Mining Superintendent / AM vacancy - Coal Mining in Vietnam

A JV coal mining in Vietnam which is part of a large Indonesian group of companies, is currently seeking for:

Mining Superintendent / Assistant Manager
based in North Vietnam
Reports to the Mining Manager

Job Purpose
-         To ensure all mining activities obey to follow government regulation and within mining license boundary.
-         To organize and coordinate all tasks related to the engineering and environmental activities, such as Mine Planning, Mine Rehabilitation activities and Reporting. Manage and coach all subordinates to get maximum performance and prepare weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly mine planning and reports

Duties and Responsibilities
-         Analyze daily, weekly and monthly which include equipment availability, utilization, productivity and target achievements.
-         Assist and support to engineering  activities to achieve productions target and follow the weekly planning, monthly planning and yearly planning.
-         Ensure that mine & production plans reflect production requirements and logical progression.
-         Assist and support to Engineering  activities to achieve productions target and ensure some required reporting are  provided such as: Coal Expose, Remain Reserve, Daily / Weekly /Monthly Report, Reconciliation Production.
-         Review short term quality data for planning purposes and compare with production requirements.
-         Review long term planning with off sites resources.
-         Recognize and explain daily, weekly and monthly about the variance quantity of overburden between actual production against mine planning.
-         Make a monthly working schedule for overburden department following company regulation.
-         Make a forecast budget following mine plan and operational requirement.
-         Monitoring the performance of overburden activity.
-         Lead and arrange overburden supervisor and overburden foreman.
-         Develop JSA (Job Safety Analysis), policies and procedures (SOP) for all new equipment to provide standard guidelines/ directions to the operations team.
-         Maintain coordination and organize contractor of overburden and coal getting.
-         Supervise  and checking the preparation of all coal data for use in weekly, monthly and yearly reports.
-         Minimize the coal lost due to wrong operational procedure.
-         Ensure the selective mined was applied by our contractor to reduce the cost of washing plant.
-         Monitoring the performance of equipment and coal getting activity.
-         Reconciliation between actual ROM Production against Mine Planning.
-         Ensure that all planning work allows the operation to function in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.
-         Maintain coordination with processing and ensure quality of ROM and follow up and monitoring for coal getting stockpiling.
-         Provide forecast and budgeting of operation requirement.
-         Ensure and arrange coal supervisor, coal foreman, and checker work in properly.

-         Bachelor's degree in earth science (geology, mine engineer)
-         Minimum 6 year experience. (4 years as mining superintendent)
-         Comprehend in Safety, Health, Environment and Quality.
-         POP certified would be an advantage.
-         Excellent interpersonal and communication skills (oral & written) in English.
-         Have good communication skill with other.

Attractive remuneration with promising career development is waiting for the right candidate.
If you are qualified and interested in the position, for our consideration, please email your complete CV/Resume in Microsoft-Word file, including: current job descriptions, significant achievements, photo, current salary info, references names & numbers, to:

All applications will be treated in highest confidentiality and only short-listed candidates will be notified.

Untuk mendapatkan informasi gaji bagi posisi ini, lowongan lain yang lebih menarik, kesempatan meningkatkan karir, dan juga secara otomatis mendapatkan informasi market salary range yang sesuai dengan pengalaman kerja & pendidikan anda, silakan daftar gratis di:


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