Manajer Produksi (Jamu Tradisional dengan proses Modern) - Pabrik Herbal Medicine

A Herbal Medicine manufacturing company, a subsidiary of a large Business Group comprising of: manufacturing, pharmacy, distribution, trading,  hospital, is currently seeking for:

Manajer Produksi (Jamu Tradisional dengan proses modern & higienis) - untuk Pabrik Herbal Medicine
Based in: Jawa Barat

Memimpin dan mengelola produksi di pabrik herbal medicine (jamu tradisional dengan proses modern dan higienis)


Mengerti dan berpengalaman dalam proses produksi herbal medicine (jamu tradisional dengan proses modern dan higienis)
Minimum berpendidikan Akademi/Sarjana
Bersedia ditempatkan di Jawa Barat (Bandung, Padalarang  dan sekitarnya).

Attractive remuneration with promising career development is waiting for the right candidate.
If you are qualified and interested in the position, for our consideration, please email your complete CV/Resume (Microsoft-Word file, current job descriptions, significant achievements, photo, current salary info, plus references names & numbers) to:

All applications will be treated in highest confidentiality and only short-listed candidates will be notified.

For more interesting career opportunities & enhancement, and to automatically get the market salary range information commensurate with your experience and qualifications, please register free at:


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